Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My current project of Eco- organic light fixures

My current project is illuminated sculptures made of eco-consciousness material. In my life, I have both experienced and witnessed many forms of abuse. My art celebrates hope, courage and survival by reaching out to end abuse in our lives, relationships and the environment.“Illuminators of Hope”, 2008, is a series of sculptural components that attempt to reveal the various stages of abuse.
The motives resemble reaching arms & hands with elements of cocoons, flowers and butterflies. The colors are passionate and bright or calm and serene.The material is mainly local palm trees parts and aluminum.
The dry parts of the palm remind me of confused and abused materials.
I bring it to life by stopping the decay, organizing and shaping it, adding colors and electrical light, turning it from “abused” to a celebration of life.
Using electricity has a great meaning to me, since electricity is power and energy. When I add it to the finished sculpture, it breathes life into it and acts as an illuminator that lets you shade light on dark shadows in your life.

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